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Price Yourself Professionally w/ Jennifer Duann Fultz
Monthly office hours w/ Arlan and multiple experts
Section 1: Stop Underpricing Yourself
Pricing Myths (13:07)
Finding Your Internal Hourly Rate (6:45)
From Internal to Client Rates (4:31)
Section 2: Put Yourself on Salary
When to Charge Hourly (5:07)
Alternatives to Hourly Pricing (11:02)
How to Price Products (3:23)
Section 3: Package Your Services for Profit and Productivity
Advantages to Packaging Your Services (5:23)
Creating a Package Pyramid (17:04)
From Package Pyramid to Sales Funnel (3:34)
Section 4: But How Could I Possibly Charge This Much?!
Change Your Mindset (4:17)
Treating Yourself Like a Professional (21:52)
Alternatives to Hourly Pricing
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